Opera browser project windows mac android
Opera browser project windows mac android

“The Opera Crypto Browser Project is about more than just surfing traditional websites through a one-size-fits-all solution,” Opera said in its announcement. It has given rise to whole new ecosystems including NFTs, which are virtual items with provable ownership decentralized finance, which permits money exchanges without middlemen and GameFi, which includes the “play-to-earn” model that pays cryptocurrency for playing games. Opera said that it wants to provide people access to “web3,” which could also be described as the peer-to-peer internet of decentralized applications based on blockchain technology. The browser also features educational content such as podcasts, videos and crypto prices, transaction fees and market sentiment for traders at a glance. The crypto browser allows users to access web3 technologies such as blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, dapps, nonfungible tokens, games and metaverse applications directly without the need for additional extensions. Opera Software today announced the Crypto Browser Project, a new web browser released in beta with a built-in crypto wallet capable of allowing users to directly access web3 decentralized applications.

Opera browser project windows mac android